Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Rashin Travel respects and values your privacy, and we are fully committed to safeguarding your personal data. This privacy notice aims to provide you with essential information on how we protect and handle your personal data when you visit our website or provide information to us through other means. It also outlines your privacy rights. If you have any inquiries concerning your personal data and how we handle it, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

Our commitments at Rashin Travel

  • We will always be transparent about why we need to collect your personal information and how we intend to use it.
  • We want to make it effortless for you to inform us of your communication preferences.
  • We will only collect the information required to deliver the best possible service.
  • Under no circumstances will we sell or share your personal information with third parties for marketing purposes.
  • We are devoted to maintaining the safety, accuracy, and security of your personal information at all times.

Why do we collect your information?

We collect your information for the following reasons: 

  • To ensure that you receive the travel services you booked with us and to provide any pre-contractual information you may have requested, such as proposals or quotes for travel services.
  • To carry out necessary administrative tasks related to your bookings and quotes.
  • To keep in touch with you in the manner you prefer.
  • To gain a better understanding of our clients, allowing us to enhance our products, services, and overall user experience.

For more detailed information on how we achieve these objectives, please refer to the complete policy below.


We understand that it’s important to keep you informed about any changes to how we handle your personal information. Therefore, we may update this policy periodically to ensure that you always have the latest information.

This policy was last updated on 01.01.2024

What information do we collect about you?

At our travel website, we collect the necessary personal information to facilitate your travel arrangements, improve our services, and arrange travel-related services on your behalf. The types of personal information we typically process include:


  • Full name
  • Contact information (such as name, residential/mailing address, telephone number, email address)
  • Passport details
  • Passport scan
  • Job information (only for Iran visa applications)
  • Marital status (only for Iran visa applications)
  • Father name (only for Iran visa applications)
  • Spouse name (only for Iran visa applications)
  • Scanned photo (only for Iran visa applications)
  • Dietary preferences (only for full-board-tours) 
  • Medical/health information, such as pre-existing medical conditions, vaccination status, etc.
  • Your preferred method of communication from us.
  • Details of your inquiries and quotes requested from us.
  • Feedback and post-travel questionnaires you have submitted, as well as any complaints made.
  • Interaction with our social media pages.


For bookings involving children, we kindly request details of your accompanying children to better understand your family’s needs for future trips, offers, and events. Rest assured, we will not directly contact your children.


If you have provided personal details of other individuals, such as when booking other adults as part of your booking, we will only contact them if it’s necessary to fulfill our contract with you or them, or if they have expressly opted in to receive information from us.


When you visit our website, we also collect information about your IP address and the pages you visit. This data helps us identify which areas of our website are most beneficial to our clients and enables us to make necessary improvements. This information does not personally identify you or disclose your location unless you choose to provide us with such information. Please refer to our cookie policy for further details.

How do we collect your information?

We primarily collect your personal information directly from you throughout our relationship. Additionally, your information may be provided to us by a friend or family member who is making a booking on your behalf.

We collect your information through various channels, which typically include:

  • Interaction: When you engage with us in person, over the phone, through letters, emails, or WhatsApp messages.
  • Website Visit: When you visit our website.
  • Social Media: When you connect with us through social media platforms.

How do we use your information?


We will ensure that you receive the requested service, process any payments, and send you relevant information pertaining to that service. 

If you have made a booking or inquiry, we will also provide you with regular updates on offers, events, and future holiday information that may be of interest to you. The method of communication will depend on the preferences you have indicated, and you will have the opportunity to opt out of receiving marketing materials and communications each time you receive them.

Marketing and Other Interactions

Receiving marketing information from Rashin Travel is always your choice, and you can select your preferred method of receiving such information.

You have the flexibility to change your preferences at any time, and we will ensure that your choices are up to date.

To avoid overwhelming you with excessive communication, we limit the number of marketing materials we send. The maximum you can expect to receive is two per year, in addition to non-marketing communications described above.

We will only contact you by email if you have explicitly indicated your preference for this mode of communication, or to inform you about future holidays you may be interested in if you have previously booked with us. Each email will include an unsubscribe link to allow you to opt out if you wish to discontinue receiving such emails.

Job Applicants

If you have applied to work for Rashin Travel, your personal information will only be processed for recruitment purposes, including application processing and recruitment statistics tracking. You will not receive marketing communications from us.

Who will have access to your information?

Your information will only be accessible to our staff and contractors. We will never sell your personal information or allow other organizations to use it for their own purposes.

We will only share your personal information in the following circumstances:

  • Contractual obligations

It is necessary for the performance of our contract in delivering holiday services to you. We may need to share your data with the following categories of suppliers: hotels, ground handling companies, airlines, transport companies, tour leaders, and guides.

  • Services by third parties

We may engage a supplier or contractor to carry out certain services on our behalf, such as marketing fulfillment. 

  • Legal Requirements

We are legally obligated to disclose your information.

We may disclose your information in response to a lawful request by a governmental or law enforcement authority.

Please note that our website may contain links to other websites that are beyond our control and not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you choose to access these linked sites, the operators of those sites might collect information from you, which will be governed by their own privacy policy that may differ from ours.

How do we keep your information secure?

We are committed to safeguarding and protecting personal information and will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to protect any personal information provided to us from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to personal information transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.

We also regularly review our measures to ensure they are up to date and in line with latest developments, particularly when we are handling payment information.

Data that is transmitted via the internet or in email, cannot be 100% secure.

We will take every reasonable precaution to keep your information safe but it cannot be guaranteed and so please be aware that any information you do transmit to us is at your own risk. Once we have received your information we will use our best effort to ensure its safety within our network.

We will only hold your personal information for as long as reasonably necessary to carry out services and administer your relationship with us. Typically, this is five years since your last interaction with us unless we are required to hold it longer for legal or taxation reasons.

If we dispose of your information it will always be done securely.

Photo and Video

During your tour with us, it is possible that a photo or video may be taken as part of your experience. This could be done by our tour guides, a Rashin Travel employee, one of our partners, or another passenger. Your privacy is important to us, so if you do not want your photograph taken at any time or to be included in any videos, please inform your tour leader or the photographer. Rest assured that any photos taken by Rashin Travel, including those taken by our employees and group leaders, will not be used for marketing purposes without your prior consent. While we take every precaution to protect your privacy, we cannot be held responsible for passengers who may take your photograph or record videos without our knowledge.

Occasionally, we may engage professional photographers to capture photos for our marketing materials. If we plan to involve a professional photographer during your trip, we will inform all our customers in advance. You will have the right to decline or opt-out of being included in any photos taken for marketing purposes. This includes any subsequent use of content or images.

Job applicants

If you are applying for a job with us, we will collect your CV details and supporting documents, which may include personal information. Additionally, we will require you to fill out a form that asks for personal information such as your full name, contact details, home address, date of birth, gender, ethnicity (optional), accessibility requirements, and details related to your passport and immigration information.

Selling data

We want to assure you that we do not and will not sell your personal information under any circumstances.

Cookies & website usage

Our websites utilize a standard technology known as ‘cookies’ and web server logs. To learn more about the cookies we use, please refer to our cookies policy.

More Information

If you require assistance or have any questions regarding this policy and your rights concerning the processing of your personal information, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

©2024 Rashin Travel, LLC




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